The highly anticipated film adaptation of the beloved TV series, Downton Abbey, is set to bring a new era to the lives of the Crawley family and their loyal staff. Fans of the show are eager to see what awaits their favorite characters in this new chapter. Here are 10 things that we can't wait to see in Downton Abbey: A New Era.
1. Time Jump: The series left off in 1925, and the film will take us to a new era, most likely the early 1930s.
2. Life After Lady Mary's Marriage: Lady Mary, portrayed by Michelle Dockery, has been an integral character throughout the show. We are excited to witness her journey as a married woman and what responsibilities she will undertake.
3. Thomas Barrow's Redemption: Thomas Barrow, played by Robert James-Collier, has often been portrayed as the villain in the series.
4. The Dowager's Wisdom: Maggie Smith's portrayal of the Dowager Countess has been a fan favorite. Her witty remarks and sharp tongue are highly anticipated in this new film. We look forward to seeing her impart her wisdom to the next generation.
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