In the highly anticipated spin-off of the popular television series, Law and Order, Organized Crime, viewers are eager to see the dynamics between the characters. However, they appear to be equally fascinated by the real-life romance among some of the cast members. Here, we reveal the real-life partnerships of the actors involved in the show.
Christopher Meloni, known for his portrayal of Elliot Stabler in the original Law and Order: SVU series, reprises his role as the charismatic detective in the spin-off.
Meloni's on-screen partner, Danielle Moné Truitt, plays Sergeant Ayanna Bell, a no-nonsense cop who forms a connection with Stabler. Truitt is happily married to rapper Langston Fishburne, son of the renowned actor Laurence Fishburne. The couple tied the knot in 2011 and has maintained a strong relationship ever since.
Speaking of Laurence Fishburne, the actor joins the cast of Organized Crime as Thomas "Tommy" Bell, the father of Truitt's character. In real life, Fishburne was married to actress Hajna O. Moss for 14 years before their divorce in 2017. They share two children together but have chosen to keep their personal lives relatively private.
Another actor who has sparked interest is Dylan McDermott, playing the charming and mysterious Richard Wheatley in the series.
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