In the world of "Outlander," the chemistry between Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan as Claire and Jamie Fraser is undeniable. But this on-screen magic is rooted in a real-life promise the actors made to each other before the show even began. Balfe recently revealed that she and Heughan made a special vow to support one another through the journey of "Outlander."
Before the first season of "Outlander" started filming, Balfe and Heughan took a walk in Hyde Park and discussed the uncertain future of the show.
Over the years, their relationship has grown stronger. Despite their busy schedules and evolving lives, they have maintained their commitment to each other. Balfe noted that their lives have become more complicated, making it harder to spend as much time together off-camera as they used to. However, their core friendship and mutual support have never wavered.
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