The popular TV show "The Walking Dead" is set to release its first episode of Season 11, titled "Years." This episode will delve into the lives of the characters after a significant time jump. The title "Years" suggests that several years have passed since the last season, and viewers can expect to see the effects of this passage of time on the characters and the world they inhabit.
The runtime of the episode has also been revealed, and it is expected to be slightly longer than the usual running time.
Fans of the show have been eagerly awaiting the release of the final season, and the title and runtime of the first episode have only added to the excitement. The time jump promises to provide a fresh perspective on the post-apocalyptic world, highlighting the resilience and growth of the characters as they navigate new challenges.
"The Walking Dead" has captivated audiences worldwide since its premiere in 2010. The show has gained a dedicated fanbase who are invested in the journeys of the characters. With "Years" marking the beginning of the end for the series, fans are eagerly anticipating how the story will unfold in this new chapter, examining the impact of time on the survivors and the world they inhabit.
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