The People's Party, hosted by Talib Kweli, recently featured Yusef Salaam from The Exonerated Five in their latest episode. During the interview, Salaam discussed various topics including Donald Trump's threats, his time in Rikers Island, and more.
Salaam, along with four other young men - Antron McCray, Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, and Korey Wise - were wrongfully convicted and served prison sentences for a crime they did not commit.
One of the subjects Salaam addressed in the interview was Donald Trump's involvement in spreading misinformation about their case. Trump had taken out full-page ads in several newspapers back in 1989 demanding reinstatement of the death penalty for the Five. Salaam expressed his disappointment in Trump's role, stating that it was a "perfect convergence of person, timing, and place where he could become the hero" by appealing to the public's fear and progressively becoming influential in politics.
Moreover, Salaam acknowledged the significant role mainstream media played in influencing public opinion. He criticized the media for sensationalizing their story and portraying them as guilty before they even had a fair trial. This biased representation further fueled societal prejudices and contributed to their wrongful convictions.
Another topic of discussion centered around Salaam's experience in Rikers Island, one of the most notorious prisons in the United States.
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