In episode 6 of season 9 of The Walking Dead titled "Who Are You Now," the story focuses on the aftermath of Rick Grimes' apparent death. The episode introduces new characters and showcases how the communities are coping and rebuilding after the devastating events of the previous season. Michonne takes on a more authoritative role in Alexandria, while Carol and Ezekiel work to maintain peace in the Kingdom.
Meanwhile, Daryl is shown leaving the Sanctuary and living a solitary life in the wilderness. The episode also introduces a mysterious group called the "Whisperers" who wear walker skin to blend in with the dead. The ending of the episode sees a group of survivors crossing paths with the Whisperers, setting up a potential conflict for the rest of the season. Overall, "Who Are You Now" sets the stage for new alliances, challenges, and threats in the post-Rick Grimes era of The Walking Dead.
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