Filming for the highly anticipated Outlander prequel series, "Outlander: Blood of My Blood," is currently underway in Glasgow. Serving as a spin-off of the beloved television show starring Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe, this new series delves into the origins of the characters' love stories. Set to chronicle the romances between Claire's parents, Julia Moriston and Henry Beauchamp, as well as Jamie's parents, Ellen MacKenzie and Brian Fraser.
Amidst the picturesque streets of the Park Circus area in Glasgow, the cast and crew of this 10-episode Starz series have been captured in action. From Jeremy Irvine embracing Hermione Corfield in soldier attire to the meticulous set design transporting viewers to 18th-century Scotland and World War I England, the attention to detail is unparalleled. With Outlander author Diana Gabaldon as a consulting producer, fans can expect a narrative that stays true to the heart of the original series.
Executive producer and writer Matthew B. Roberts has shed light on the essence of the prequel, emphasizing its focus on love against all odds. As marriages are often bound by political and financial considerations, the pursuit of true love becomes a rare and cherished endeavor. With filming schedules revised due to unforeseen weather conditions, the cast and crew are dedicated to delivering a compelling storyline that pays homage to the enduring legacy of Outlander.
As the cameras roll and the actors bring these timeless characters to life, fans of Outlander can look forward to a journey back in time, unraveling the events that shaped the destinies of Jamie and Claire Fraser. With a blend of historical accuracy, poignant storytelling, and captivating performances, "Outlander: Blood of My Blood" promises to be a prequel series like no other, inviting viewers to embark on a new chapter of emotional depth and romantic intrigue.
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