In this article, the author shares some hilarious, strange, and unique behaviors exhibited by their cat named Indy. Despite being a cat owner for many years, the author believes that Indy's antics are unlike anything they have ever witnessed before.
Indy has developed an amusing obsession with rubber bands, often stealing them from various places around the house. The author finds it comical how Indy expertly navigates through closed doors using only his paws.
Furthermore, Indy has an uncontrollable attraction to paper. Whenever the author is studying or working on something that involves paper, Indy cannot resist interfering. The author even mentions a funny incident where Indy got himself tangled inside a roll of toilet paper, resulting in an amusing struggle to free himself.
Another unique aspect of Indy's behavior is his fascination with the ceiling fan. The author finds it strange, yet amusing, that Indy spends hours watching the fan's rotations. This unusual pastime never fails to elicit laughter.
The author concludes the article by expressing their gratitude for having such a hilarious and entertaining cat. Indy's funny and peculiar antics have brought endless joy and laughter to the author's life, making them appreciate their feline companion even more.
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