"Downton Abbey" is a beloved British period drama set in the early 20th century, but have you ever wondered how it all began? The first season of the show provides a captivating backstory, filled with captivating characters and dramatic events.
The story takes place in 1912, and centers around the aristocratic Crawley family, who reside in the grand estate of Downton Abbey. The family is led by the wealthy and traditional Earl of Grantham, Robert Crawley, and his American-born wife, Cora Crawley.
The drama unfolds when news of the sinking of the Titanic reaches Downton Abbey. The unfortunate incident brings tragedy to the Crawley family since their heir, Patrick Crawley, was among the victims. This turns their world upside down as they realize that the estate, which has been passed down through generations, will now be inherited by a distant cousin, Matthew Crawley, who lives a modest life as a solicitor.
Matthew arrives at Downton Abbey with his mother, Isobel Crawley, who quickly clashes with the aristocratic Crawley family due to their contrasting social classes. Meanwhile, downstairs in the servant quarters, we are introduced to a colorful cast of characters who play essential roles in the functioning of the estate. Mr. Carson, the dignified butler, Mrs. Hughes, the housekeeper, and the witty and loyal Anna Bates, a maid, are just a few of the staff members who bring their own subplots to the story.
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