In the world of Downton Abbey, an English historical drama television series, a recent turn of events has led Mary Crawley to express her remorse towards her sister, Edith. Mary sends her sincere apologies to Edith, acknowledging the numerous wrongs she has committed against her sibling in the past.
Over the course of the show, Mary and Edith's relationship has been tumultuous, filled with jealousy, resentment, and cruel actions. Mary, as the eldest daughter of the Crawley family, often took pleasure in belittling and undermining Edith, the middle sister.
However, in a rare moment of self-reflection, Mary recognized the pain she had caused Edith and decided to make amends. She realized that her behavior towards her sister was more about her own insecurities and desire to maintain her status and reputation than any genuine dislike for Edith.
In her letter to Edith, Mary expressed deep regret for her actions and acknowledged the depth of her wrongdoing.
Mary's act of contrition is a significant turning point for her character. It reflects her growth and maturation throughout the series as she begins to shed her previous haughty and entitled persona.
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