The article "Mary Tells Bertie About Marigold | Downton Abbey" revolves around the character Mary sharing the truth about Marigold with Bertie in the popular television series, Downton Abbey. The main idea of the article is to highlight the pivotal moment when Mary discloses the secret about Marigold's parentage to Bertie.
In Downton Abbey, Marigold is the daughter of Lady Edith Crawley, the middle sister of the aristocratic Crawley family.
Throughout the series, the relationship between Mary and Edith has been complex and strained. Mary is known for her manipulative nature, often using secrets and personal information against her sister.
Mary's motivation behind sharing the secret may stem from her desire for a fresh start with Bertie, as well as her newfound empathy for her sister's plight. Marigold's existence has caused turmoil in Edith's life, as she had to give her daughter up for adoption and secretly continue to play a part in her life.
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