"Compulsion - Obsessed | Their Story" is a lesbian short film that was released in 2022. The film, showcased by the LGBT Official YouTube channel, tells the story of two women named Sadie and Francesca, who are deeply in love with each other.
The film explores the theme of obsession in a same-sex relationship, highlighting the intense passion and desire that can exist between two individuals. Sadie and Francesca are depicted as being consumed by their love for each other, unable to resist the compulsion that drives them to be together.
Throughout the film, we witness the ups and downs of their relationship, as they navigate the challenges that come with being in a same-sex partnership. The story presents a realistic portrayal of the complexities and complexities faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in society.
"Compulsion - Obsessed | Their Story" also sheds light on the societal pressure and judgment that LGBTQ+ couples often endure. Sadie and Francesca face opposition from those around them, including friends and family members who struggle to understand or accept their love.
Overall, the short film delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of a lesbian relationship, showcasing the intensity and hardships that can arise when two individuals are deeply infatuated with each other. It serves as a poignant and thought-provoking piece that aims to raise awareness and promote understanding of LGBTQ+ experiences.
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